Student Solution


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Lesson 6- Discussion 3- Abnormal Psychology

Lesson 6- Discussion 3- Abnormal Psychology

Q By the conclusion of this Lesson you should have a good foundation in what we know about Anxiety Disorders. There is always still more we don't know, which means there is a need for continued research. Your challenge for this Discussion Board is to design a research project (an EXPERIMENT) about some aspect of anxiety. Your project can study a specific anxiety disorder, or just the symptoms or anxiety and/or worry (as in test anxiety). You'll need to clearly describe: 1) the research question you're trying to answer; 2) the subject pool that would be used (any important characteristics? how would you identify and select subjects (persons) for the study? 2) the independent variable that will be manipulated in the study (THE THING YOU ARE GOING TO DO IN THE STUDY TO TRY TO CREATE THE CHANGE); and 3) the objective measure that would be used as the dependent variable (WHAT IS THE THING YOU ARE LOOKING AT TO SEE IF THE INDEPENDENT VARIABLE ACTUALLY CREATES A CHANGE? HOW WILL YOU KNOW THAT THINGS HAVE CHANGED?) 4) Finally, you should identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of your proposed research project

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1. The research question can be- to find the overall impact of social anxiety disorder among adolescents. 2. Social anxiety disorder can be considered as a condition that involves persistent fear for being humiliated by others. It can be said that adolescence is an age where this social anxiety tends to increase.